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Lung Health 1 Scaled

Healthy Lungs: A Guide to Keeping Your Lungs in Top Shape 

Many of us don’t focus so much on our lung health as much as we should. Our lungs play such an important role in our everyday lives, and sometimes we only notice their importance when we start to feel breathing complications. The truth of the matter is: our lungs need daily care and attention. While they are indeed powerful organs that withstand a daily barrage of airborne contaminants, that doesn’t mean they’re indestructible.

There are numerous ways to keep our lungs in peak condition. Taking supplements for lung health and the respiratory system, for example, is one of the easiest ways to support our lungs. At the end of the day, it’s all a matter of improving awareness and maintaining a level of discipline to care for our lungs. Here’s our handy guide to keeping your lungs in top shape!

Physical activity

Most of us stay active to lose weight and maintain a healthy heart. What we don’t think much of is how physical activity keeps our lungs’ health in top shape. Exercise greatly improves circulation and strengthens our muscles, thus helping our lungs to do what they need to do. It’s good to have at least 20 minutes of consistent, moderately intense movement daily. We need to challenge our lungs with more intense activity so they can counteract the build-up of toxins and tar in the lungs. This way, our lungs will be better prepared to combat different infections that can cause serious damage to our respiratory health. You can try brisk-walking, bike riding, or even swimming. Choose whatever works for you.

O2B Lung Health+ is best paired with fostering an active lifestyle. The unique herbal homoeopathic combination is gentle on the respiratory system and respiratory cells to support normal lung health and function.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is beneficial for every organ in our bodies. Your body creates thin mucus secretions that naturally accumulate in your lungs each day, and staying well-hydrated keeps these mucosal linings in your lungs thin, allowing you to breathe normally.

Quit smoking

Smoking is never a good idea for your lung health or overall health, for that matter. If you’re a smoker, see if you can find a way and some support to help you quit. It’s the most effective way to mitigate ongoing lung damage.

If you’re a non-smoker, you can still take the precautions needed especially when you’re exposed to second-hand smoking or pollutant risks.  O2B Lung Nutrition is a great supplement to support the normal function and maintenance of healthy lungs. It nourishes the lungs and bronchial system.

O2B Lung Nutrition is ideal for to support the strength of the bronchial passageways, including after an acute chest infection or exposure to small particle airborne pollutants like cigarette smoke.

Be mindful of your posture

Our posture contributes to our lung health. Medical professionals advise to be mindful of your posture and allow your lungs adequate ‘room to breathe’. You can also lean back in a stable chair, lifting the chest and opening the front of your body as you breathe deeply.

Practice deep breathing

Along with good posture, practicing simple deep breathing will also help get you closer to reaching your lung’s full capacity. Inhale slowly, steadily and deeply through the nose, expanding your belly with an awareness of lowering the diaphragm. Expand your ribs and allow your upper chest to expand and lift. When you exhale, let the chest fall and bring the stomach muscles in to lift the diaphragm.

To support good breathing practices, O2B Lung Restore is a herbal formula in an easy-to-swallow capsule to tone and nourish bronchial passageways.

Find the right supplements balance

O2B Lung Health+, O2B Lung Nutrition, and O2B Lung Restore are all effective supplements on their own, but taken together they act as a complete Lung Health Support Programme. These products from O2B Healthy work beautifully in synergy together.

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* Disclaimer: Information on this website is for your general knowledge only. It is not intended to replace qualified medical advice nor intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not disregard medical advice or postpone consultation with your health care professional because of information that you have read on this website. Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional regarding a medical condition. Always read the label of any natural health products you purchase and use only as directed. Consult a health care professional if symptoms persist. Customer reviews reflect individual experiences and results may vary.

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