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Magnesium And Restless Legs

The Surprising Link: Magnesium And Restless Legs Revealed

Tossing and turning at night with an urge to move your legs? You are not alone. Magnesium’s role in muscle relaxation could be the key to easing your restless legs. This article will delve into how boosting magnesium might provide the relief you’ve been searching for.

Keep reading – it’s fascinating stuff!

Key Takeaways

  • Magnesium might help with Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) by relaxing muscles and reducing the urge to move legs.
  • Foods such as spinach, nuts, seeds, fish, whole grains, bananas, legumes and dark chocolate are rich in magnesium and can aid RLS symptoms.
  • Not every person with RLS will find relief from magnesium; it’s important to consult a health care professional for tailored treatment options.
  • O2B Magnesium Complex is a high strength supplement that provides 500mg per capsule of four different forms of magnesium to support optimal magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium is one of several minerals that are being depleted in modern over-farmed soils where they are not replenished.
  • Lifestyle approaches like exercise, sleep routines, relaxation techniques and avoiding caffeine or alcohol also play a significant role in managing RLS.

What is Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

What is Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)?

Restless Leg Syndrome, or RLS, is a neurological condition marked by an irresistible urge to move the legs, typically accompanied by uncomfortable sensations. This often-disruptive ailment can interfere with sleep and daily life, leading many to seek relief through various means.

Symptoms and causes

  • Feeling pins and needles in your legs which makes you want to move them.
  • Discomfort that gets worse when you lie down or sit for a long time.
  • Relief when you move your legs, but it only lasts for a short while.
  • Problems sleeping because your legs keep wanting to move.
  • Twitching or kicking during sleep without realising it.
  • Iron deficiency is a common cause that might lead to RLS. Taking iron supplements may help.
  • Magnesium deficiency could also make it tough for muscles to relax, leading to the symptoms.
  • Sometimes genes play a role; if family members have RLS, you might get it too.
  • Chronic diseases like Parkinson’s disease or kidney failure can trigger RLS symptoms.
  • Certain medications for allergies, depression, and nausea may make things worse.
  • Pregnancy sometimes brings on RLS, especially in the last few months. But it often goes away after childbirth.

Traditional treatment options

Restless Leg Syndrome can disrupt sleep and make evenings tough. Different treatments aim to ease the discomfort and improve rest. Here’s a look at some common approaches:

  • Iron supplements may be needed if blood tests show low iron levels, this is more common for women than men. Taking an iron tablet could lessen RLS symptoms for some people.
  • There are a number of pharmaceutical options prescribed by doctors to address RLS, but as with many medications these may come with side effects and do not work to address the cause if it is indeed a deficiency.

The Link Between Magnesium and RLS

Understanding The Connection Between Magnesium And Restless Legs
Understanding The Connection Between Magnesium And Restless Legs

Understanding this mineral’s influence on neuromuscular function may shed light on why some individuals experience significant symptom improvement with increased magnesium intake.

Research findings

Scientists have studied how magnesium affects people with restless leg syndrome. They found that it might help relax muscles and control nerves. Also, taking extra magnesium can lower brain temperature. This supports better sleep patterns for some individuals.

Some studies show that adding more magnesium to your diet can ease the jumpy feelings in your legs at night. Not everyone gets relief from magnesium, but for many people with RLS, it’s worth a try.  Supplements like magnesium glycinate are often recommended because they’re gentle on the stomach and absorb well into the body.

Treatment effectiveness

Studies suggest magnesium can help relax muscles and ease restless legs syndrome (RLS) symptoms. People with RLS who increase their magnesium intake often report a decrease in discomfort. Some find that muscle cramps lessen and they rest better at night. However, magnesium doesn’t work for everyone with RLS.

Doctors sometimes recommend trying magnesium supplements or dietary changes to see if symptoms improve. There are many forms of magnesium, like magnesium glycinate, known to be gentle on the stomach and good for sleep issues. It’s essential to choose the right type of magnesium for restless legs to get the most benefit. O2B Calci-Mag is another option for RLS.

Ways to Increase Magnesium

4. Ways to Increase Magnesium:

Discovering effective strategies to boost your magnesium levels can be a game-changer in managing restless legs. From integrating nutrient-rich foods into your diet to exploring innovative supplements like O2B Magnesium Complex, there are practical steps you can take towards achieving the right balance for optimal well-being and symptom relief.

Food sources

Magnesium is key for muscle relaxation and can help those with restless legs. You’ll find this important mineral in various foods, helping to ease symptoms.

  • Spinach: This leafy green is packed with magnesium, making it great for leg muscles.
  • Nuts: Almonds and cashews offer a tasty way to get more magnesium.
  • Seeds: Pumpkin and chia seeds are little powerhouses of the mineral.
  • Fish: Mackerel and salmon give you a double bonus of omega-3 and magnesium.
  • Whole grains: Brown rice and whole wheat bread can up your intake.
  • Bananas: They’re not just potassium-rich; they have magnesium too.
  • Legumes: Black beans and lentils are excellent plant-based sources.
  • Dark chocolate: A sweet treat that can contribute to your daily magnesium needs.

O2B Magnesium Complex as a Supplement

Eating foods rich in magnesium helps, but sometimes you need more. That’s where O2B Magnesium Complex comes in as a supplement, because it offers an easy way to up your intake without changing your diet too much. People with restless leg syndrome often get good results from this supplement. It eases muscle tension and may improve sleep quality too.

Always talk to a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have medical conditions or take other medicines.

Topical application

Many people use magnesium oil or lotion on their skin to help calm restless legs. This can be a way to get magnesium directly to the muscles that need it most. Rubbing these products onto your legs before bed may reduce symptoms and help you sleep better.

Epsom salt baths are another popular method. Soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salts, which contain magnesium, might provide relief from jumpy leg muscles. It’s easy and relaxing, letting your body soak up the mineral while you unwind.

Other Alternative Remedies for RLS

Explore a range of supplementary measures that may soothe your restless legs beyond magnesium adjustments. These alternative strategies could provide the comfort and relief you’ve been searching for.

Iron supplementation

Some people with restless legs syndrome may not have enough iron in their bodies. Their muscles and nerves might need more iron to work well. Taking O2B Gentle Iron supplements could help these people feel better if their blood tests show they are low on iron. It’s very important to only take iron if a doctor says it’s okay because too much can be harmful. (Which is why we are focusing on Magnesium in this article).


Iron supplements are one approach to treating restless leg syndrome (RLS), but sometimes they’re not enough. Medications can play a role too. Doctors may prescribe drugs like gabapentin or pregabalin for people who have RLS. These medications help calm the nerves and can reduce uncomfortable sensations in the legs. There’s also a group of medicines called dopaminergic agents, such as pramipexole and ropinirole. They work by mimicking dopamine, a brain chemical linked to movement. Another option is pain relievers with opioids like tramadol which may ease symptoms when other treatments don’t work well. It’s crucial to talk to your doctor about which medication might be right for you because each person reacts differently to these treatments.

Non-medication treatments

Medication can help many with restless legs syndrome, but there are also non-drug ways to ease your symptoms. Non-medication treatments focus on lifestyle changes and activities that can lessen discomfort.

  • Exercise regularly. Gentle physical activities such as walking or stretching can reduce RLS symptoms.
  • Establish a sleep routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even at weekends.
  • Practice relaxation techniques. Yoga, meditation, or deep breathing can help calm your restless legs.
  • Try warm baths before bedtime. Heat can relax your muscles and make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Ensure you are well hydrated, minerals and water work closely together to hydrate tissue and support healthy nerve impulses.
  • Consider massage therapy. Massaging your legs eases muscle tension and may provide relief from RLS symptoms. See the video below from Dr Jo for an easy bedtime routine.
  • Check out acupuncture. Some find sticking needles into specific body parts improves their condition.
  • Look into vibration therapy. Gentle vibrations on the skin may distract your nerves and offer temporary relief from RLS discomfort.
  • Cut back on caffeine and alcohol. These substances can worsen RLS symptoms, so try to avoid them, especially later in the day.
  • Keep your mind busy with activities like reading or puzzles before bed. This distraction might take your attention away from leg discomfort.
  • Maintain a cool sleeping environment. Lowering room temperature helps nerves settle down for better sleep.

Reducing caffeine and alcohol intake

Cut down on caffeine and alcohol to help with restless legs. These drinks can make your symptoms worse. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some sodas. It can keep you awake and make your legs feel more jumpy at night. Caffeine can also deplete the body of minerals if used too often.

Alcohol may relax you at first but it can lead to poorer sleep and more leg discomfort later in the night.

Try decaf drinks or herbal teas instead of regular coffee or tea. Choose water or non-alcoholic options when you want a drink in the evening. Making these changes might improve your sleep quality and reduce restlessness in your legs.

Drink plenty of water as staying hydrated helps muscles work better.


Understanding the connection between magnesium and restless legs could lead to better nights. If you struggle with this syndrome, consider how your diet or supplements might help. Speak with a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

Remember that not all treatments work for everyone, but exploring magnesium’s role in muscle relaxation is a step forward. Keep searching for ways to ease your symptoms and improve rest.


1. Can magnesium help with restless legs?

Magnesium may aid in easing the symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), especially since low magnesium levels are often found in those with this sleep disturbance.

2. What is Restless Legs Syndrome?

Restless Legs Syndrome, also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease, causes uncomfortable sensations and an urge to move one’s legs, often leading to sleep disorders.

3. Why do some people have low magnesium?

Low magnesium can happen due to diet deficiencies, certain medical conditions like renal failure, or metabolic reactions involving enzymes where magnesium acts as a cofactor.

4. Are there any studies on magnesium and restless legs?

Yes! Controlled trials and evidence-based research show links between supplemental magnesium and reduced symptoms of periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), which is similar to RLS.

5. Could other health issues affect the connection between magnesium and restless legs?

Certainly! Problems like iron overload, Haemochromatosis, nerve damage from multiple sclerosis, or complications such as Uremia in renal failure could impact how low magnesium levels relate to RLS.

6. Should I take supplements for low magnesium if I have restless legs?

Always talk with a healthcare professional first! Supplementing may be recommended if you have a deficiency but will consider any potential interactions with medications you’re taking for RLS or related conditions.

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