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Dog Arthritis – Symptoms and Warning Signs to Watch For

We all dread the idea of arthritis robbing of us of our dexterity, causing chronic joint pains, and limiting our activities, but did you know that dogs can suffer from arthritis just like us? What makes things worse is the fact that dogs can suffer from arthritis yet not have the voice to articulate their pain. While we might do our best to keep our dogs healthy, providing exercise, a healthy diet, and supporting them with dog supplements, arthritis can still occur naturally with age.

Fortunately, our furry friends do have other means to communicate how they feel. It’s up to us to identify the signs that our dogs our suffering from arthritis so that we can seek the help they need. Let’s explore canine arthritis, what it is, how to identify it, and how to treat it.

What is canine arthritis?

Canine arthritis is the progressive degeneration of a dog’s joint tissue, affecting nearly 80% of dogs over 10-years-old. It is the most common cause of chronic pain in dogs. You can read more about it here: 

What are the symptoms of canine arthritis?

  • Chewing or licking of joints – Dogs are known to lick their wounds. You may notice your dog licking or even gently biting at their joints, sometimes enough to cause hair loss or inflammation.
  • Difficulty rising when prone – Your dog may struggle to rise when prone or after a nap.
  • Lameness or stiffness of movement – Simple tasks like walking, going up or down stairs, or even bending to eat might seem suddenly difficult to your dog, or take noticeably longer for them to complete.
  • Lethargic or sleeping more – Dealing with chronic joint pain can be exhausting, which could lead to your dog seeming lethargic or beginning to sleep more often.
  • Limping – Canine arthritis that affects certain joints more than others may cause your dog to exhibit a visible limp.
  • Muscle atrophy – Poor joint health will limit your dog’s range of motion, which could cause under-stimulation of certain muscles and lead eventually to those muscles deteriorating.
  • Reluctance to be active – Activities your dog once loved to partake may no longer seem to excite or stimulate them.
  • Unusual irritability, nervousness, or aggression, particularly when touched – Dogs can feel vulnerable when in pain, which leads to them feeling threatened more easily. You may notice your dog is more irritable, responding with aggression when touched.
  • Vocalising pain when moving or touched – Your dog may howl or yip when touched.
  • Weight gain or weight loss – Inactivity could cause your dog to grow flabby, but it could also cause weight loss if pain and depression rob them of their appetite.

How can you treat canine arthritis?

The most important thing you can do as a pet owner is identify the symptoms of osteoarthritis in your dog and contact your family veterinarian for treatment as soon as possible. Your vet will likely suggest canine joint supplements to support the lubrication of your dog’s joint tissue. Your vet will also likely encourage you to keep your dog’s weight down to reduce the strain on their joints.

Keep your dog healthy the natural way

Natural health supplements are a great way to show your dog you love them while improving their health. Invest in the wellbeing of your furry friend. Shop natural dog health supplements from O2B Healthy today and enjoy FREE delivery anywhere in New Zealand.

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